Monday, March 30, 2020

Rockswold College and Other Places to Find Algebra Help

Rockswold College and Other Places to Find Algebra HelpIf you want to study at Rockswold College and need algebra help, a number of academic advisors offer this service to students. By reading this brief guide, you will be able to find the best sources of algebra help.Algebra is a difficult subject to tackle because it is both difficult to learn and to remember. Since algebra is comprised of a lot of different concepts, it is not easy to learn or to remember them all. This is why some school districts are requiring students to take this subject, but the large number of students who cannot study it can become the reason why they are forced to give up on it.Algebra is very important to keep your math skills up to date, since this means that students are taught how to do calculations. Furthermore, algebra helps them understand a whole new world of equations and numbers. It is therefore best to find some Rockswold College algebra help for students in your class.One of the best sources of algebra help you can find is your advisor. You will most likely be able to visit the counselor's office of your school to discuss your needs. However, if your school does not have a counselor who can offer you algebra help, you can still find the help you need online.For a student who is struggling with algebra, taking online algebra help is the best way to go. There are many different websites that offer algebra help to their customers. As long as you check out these websites, you will be able to find the right help for your needs.If you want to study algebra in your school, your tutor may also be able to offer you algebra help. These tutors will help students by helping them study, or by working with them one-on-oneon algebra. Both of these approaches are good since it can prevent students from just giving up on studying algebra.Algebra is a very difficult subject to study. However, it is essential to make sure that students understand all of the details. Therefore, online resour ces are a great way to help students study algebra properly. Many students will find it easier to study online than they would have without this help.These tips should help you find a source of algebra help for your school. The best way to find the best sources of algebra help is to speak to your school counselor.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What Can You Do with Your Major

What Can You Do with Your Major Photo by Jason Bache via The 9th most common major is Psychology. This is an interesting major and is very tough when trying to be anything other than a therapist. You can be a school counselor, clinical counselor, go into advertising, and also go into social services. The 8th major on the list is Nursing. This is known as the largest force in health care. This is obvious the career path you would go into with this major. Go into being a registered nurse because that’s where you’ll make more money salary wise. The 7th most common major is Marketing. The most careers that follow this major are public relations, sales, and advertising. Other jobs that could come from marketing are general management and fashion even. Marketing is a very versatile degree to major in. The 6th major on my list is Elementary Education. This is always a great major due to the lack of people willing to be teachers in today’s economic hardships. I also find this to be the most rewarding job not monetarily but in the fact that you get to teach the generations to come; you help shape America. The 5th most shared major is Criminal Justice. You can do so much with this degree other than becoming a police officer. You can be a lawyer, work for the FBI, a counselor, legal assistant, and even a teacher if you would like. This is a very versatile degree. The 4th major that most students are in is Computer Science. This major may seem like you are only proficient in one category but you can be surprised at all the tasks you can do after completing this degree. The careers you can go into are game development, technical consultant, and even a computer engineer. There are plenty of careers that go along with this major. The 3rd major on the list is Communications. This seems to be a very popular major amongst my friends. This degree would help land a job in a news station as a reporter or even as an anchor. You can also practice law, public relations, advertising, marketing, journalism, become an editor’s assistant, and even human resources. This is another major where you aren’t just stuck doing one thing for the rest of your life if you do not like it. The 2nd most common major on the list is Business Administration. This is definitely the most common amongst my friends. I believe this is the ultimate major for being the number one most versatile. You can get a job almost doing anything with a business degree. You can be a manager, an accountant, public relations, marketing, entrepreneur, and even a fashion merchandising technician. This is a highly recommended major for any exploratory students out there. Now for the first most shared major in the nation, Biology. This is the typical degree for all those doctors out there, but surprisingly, you can do more with it. You can go into healthcare, research, education, and you can go into government work. So if you ever decide you do not want to be in your major and it’s too late to switch out, without becoming a fifth year senior, think of all the other career opportunities you can have with your degree. It can sometimes even be surprising when you have a degree and go into a completely different field. It’s possible so never give up!

Uloop Morning Mix August 16, 2017

Uloop Morning Mix August 16, 2017 (Image: Wikimedia Commons) The president seemed to affirm his earlier comments on the the incidents involving alt-right protesters yesterday in an incendiary news conference at Trump Tower in New York. He once again laid the blame for the violence on both sides and in doing so, drew heavy criticism. Heres the full transcript. Meanwhile, the editor of the UVA student newspaper has changed his stance from an earlier editorial that stated demonstrations by alt-right groups should be allowed to take place near his campus. The woman killed in the weekend violence, Heather Heyer, will be celebrated in a memorial service today. A YOU TUBE STAR LANDS A JOB AS WORLDWIDE SPOKESPERSON FOR UNICEF. Lilly Singh goes by the You Tube handle Superwoman (Image: You Tube screenshot) Call her IISuperwomanII or Lilly Singh, but either way, the You Tube star â€" who has over 12 million subscribers to her channel  â€"  landed a very high profile gig as spokesperson for UNICEF. The 28-year-old was named Global Goodwill Ambassador by the organization yesterday. And while her new gig wont likely require her to step into character as she often does on her videos, she will make videos that raise awareness for childrens education. NPR thinks the appointment is a sign more global organizations will be turning to You Tube to find talent. So keep making those videos in your dorm room! YES, THE CHEETOS RESTAURANT IS REAL. Knife and fork with that? (Image: Scott Ehardt via Wikimedia Commons) The so-called pop-up eatery is open in New York City for a limited time (well, just a few nights, actually) and Business Insider reports that Celebrity chef Anne Burrell will be making culinary creations such as Cheetos Crusted Fried Pickles, Spicy Cheetos Nachos, and Cheetos Sweetos Crusted Cheesecake. All 300 spots available were snapped up in a matter of minutes, according to The Wall Street Journal.  Wonder if they let you take home the leftovers? AND FINALLY, THE KEY TO A GREAT FRESHMAN YEAR MIGHT JUST BE SPONGEBOB? Yep, thats right. University at Buffalo, SUNY student  Trishauna Champagnie breaks it all down for you right here. Theres your morning mix for Wednesday. Now get out there and have a great hump day!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

All About Inversion Therapy

All About Inversion TherapyInversion therapy is a new form of exercise for the body that has been created by people who do not like to exercise. This workout gives the body an increased rate of oxygenation, which helps one remain healthier. Inversion therapy, also known as 'sub-orbital' therapy, is similar to swimming in that it causes the body to float slightly below the surface of the water. This is done through the use of pillows under the knees.Inversion therapy can be used by individuals who are not interested in any form of exercise. There are also times when one would want to exercise but cannot afford the expense of renting an exercise room or gym. In this case, an inversion center can be used. The exercises that can be done on inversion centers are very different from regular cardio machines and crunches.Inversion centers are used for the purpose of stretching and strengthening the body. They help in the proper breathing and relaxation of the muscles. It is an effective way of training. Many inversion centers have an instructor that will give the individual training and assistance in doing the exercises that they will do. A large amount of information is available on the internet, which can be used by the individual to find out which gym will be the best place to go to in order to learn the many techniques of inversion therapy.When someone uses an inversion center for the first time, they will be surprised at how flexible their body is. They will not have to worry about being sore or having tight muscles. In order to get the full benefit of the workout, the person will have to move their body out of the starting position and then back into the starting position. Once the body is in this position, the person will experience a lot of tension in the muscles that have been worked out during the workout. As the body gets into the 'inversion' position, the body will become much more flexible. Once the person is in the inversion position, the muscles that wer e worked out will return to their original state and their tone will return to normal.Inversion therapy uses oxygen to assist the body in the process of recovery from injuries and health problems. It has been recognized as a viable treatment method by scientists who are working on ways to restore the circulation of the blood to the heart. The same science can be used to relax the muscles and tissues in the body. This can be used to alleviate pain and help with any number of injuries.Inversion therapy is used by the individual's body chemistry to prevent damage to the body. It is known to improve the overall quality of life for those who are looking to improve their health. For those who have heart conditions, it can be used to relieve pressure and improve the cardiovascular system.Inversion therapy has been proven to increase the amount of oxygen that is present in the body's cells. This oxygen is used to remove toxins from the cells, helping to facilitate cell growth. Oxygen therap y can be used to treat a number of ailments and conditions including allergies, blood circulation problems, depression, brain function, muscle pain, skin problems, and more.

How to Determine Volatility Chemistry - Important Information

How to Determine Volatility Chemistry - Important InformationEveryone who is interested in investing should know how to determine volatility. In other words, the volatility of a particular stock is the amount of movement within the price of that stock over a period of time. Each day, stocks and shares move within a narrow range, but over longer periods of time, stocks can change by as much as five percent or more.For a stock to have high volatility, it has to go up sharply in a very short time. For stocks to remain at a certain level, there must be a sufficient supply of buyers for the stock. This means that a small number of people will drive the price up very rapidly. The volatility is a very good indicator of the overall health of the market, and how good a market is.Usually, the volatility is higher for stocks with higher dividend yields. The reason for this is that the price of stocks tends to fall when there is less liquidity, meaning that there are fewer buyers. A high-yield s tock is an excellent indicator of high volatility, and so it is likely to also be one of the highest yielding stocks around.Any time you are considering whether to buy a stock, or sell a stock, you must look at the volatility. There are two main types of volatility. The first is called cyclical volatility, which has no discernible pattern.The second is called fundamental volatility, which will fluctuate over time. Both of these volatility levels are very important in the equation of investing, because they mean that the stock prices will not go down forever. A stock can hold for years and still go up in value. You can, for example, see a loss begin to stabilize in a stock that was trading at less than $10 per share.To determine volatility, you will need to have access to information about how much cash, as well as interest, was paid out to stockholders. These figures may have been computed and published on a monthly basis. Once you have determined the average monthly payment, you wi ll need to use that number to arrive at the volatility.If you are buying a stock and want to know how much volatility it has had, you must find out from the public companies. Ask them to give you their volatility. Ask them if there have been losses in the past, and if they are willing to provide you with their volatility figure. The figures will show you how much the stock price has moved within a given period of time.

Learning By Seeing Ways to Study as a Visual Learner

Learning By Seeing Ways to Study as a Visual Learner Suzy S. Do you learn best by seeing? Learn about the most effective visual learning strategies  in this article by San Diego tutor  Natalie S We all know that people learn in various ways and use different processes to be successful. Weve gone over how to study as an auditory learner and as a kinesthetic learner, for example. Now, were going to offer some ideas for visual learning strategies. Check out our tips below to help you study in the most effective and efficient ways for you. 1) Stay organized. Visual learners comprehend new information best when it is laid out in front of them in text, pictures, graphs, and charts. One of the most important visual learning strategies is to stay organized. Keep your notes from class lectures and readings in order, so you can easily review them. If you need help managing all of the information, try putting all of your notes into one binder and use dividing tabs to separate them into different sections based on either the subject or chapter. 2) Take color-coded notes in class. As mentioned above, visual learners best absorb and retain information by reading or seeing it. This is why its especially important that you take copious notes in class. Write down as much information as you can in a thorough, organized fashion, so you can refer to it later. After you have completed writing your notes, review them again with different highlighters in hand and color-code the information based on subject, theme, important dates, or whatever makes the most sense to you. These notes will help you to better remember and comprehend new info, and better yet, you can use them later as study guides for exams. 3) Create your perfect study space. This is an important thing for everyone to do regardless of which type of learner you are. Visual learners comprehend information better when seeing and reading it, so its important for them to create a quiet study area with good lighting and a comfortable space to settle in with their textbooks, notebooks, lecture notes, and pens, highlighters, and post-it notes. Visual learners should always read with a pencil in hand, and underline, highlight, and make notes in the margins whenever possible. Writing notes on new information and recapping chapters into your own summaries is the best way for you to learn and internalize new information. 4) Use flashcards. Flashcards are another great visual learning strategy for remembering information and studying for exams. With notecards, you can look at chunks of information instead of reviewing all of the information at once. This makes studying less overwhelming and it helps to teach you the information in manageable segments. You can also use graphs and charts to better visualize concepts. 5) Create a study guide for each chapter. Visual learners are generally good at creating summaries and picking out the most relevant facts in each chapter. Use this talent to your advantage by creating a one-page study guide for each chapter or lecture, and boil the lesson down to the most important facts. Check out our tips for  how to create study guides  here. These helpful tips can aid visual learners in highlighting their strengths and overcoming their weaknesses. Remember, if you still need help studying as a visual learner, speak with a  TakeLessons tutor for some additional tips! Natalie S. tutors in English, ESL, History, Phonics, Reading, and Test Prep in San Diego, as well as through online lessons. She received her BA in English Education at the University of Delaware, and her MA in English Literature at San Diego State University. Learn more about Natalie here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by toesoxluver

Good Cameras for Shooting Video

Good Cameras for Shooting Video Which Camera Should You Use to Film? ChaptersWhy Buy a Camera to Film Video?What Makes a Good Camera for VideoThe Best Cameras for FilmingBudget Cameras for Filming“Give them pleasure. The same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.” - Alfred HitchcockThere’s a long history of cinema in the UK.So what goes on behind the camera?Whether you’re using an entry-level compact camera or a high-end reflex, it’s never been easier to start filming.So which camera should you use?We’ve got the answers right here! AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotogra phy Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Buy a Camera to Film Video?New technology allows us to do everything with a single device. Smartphones, for example, can take high-quality photos and video. Similarly, while we used to use camcorders 20-odd years ago, now you can film with smartphones or digital cameras. Most modern digital cameras will also shoot video. (Source: klickblick)Amateur filmmakers need to start by choosing the right digital camera for film and for photos as you need something versatile that can do high-quality photos and video.  Versatility is key when it comes to your first camera.Being able to switch between high-quality photo and video modes is something filmmakers could only dream of in the past.The second advantage is that both your photos and footage will be of a really high quality. Of course, before we got there, there needed to be several technological revolutions. Today, the images captured by full-frame or APS-C sensors are better than what our grandparents could see through their telescopes.The beautiful imagery of Full HD from our cameras won’t immediately look like cinema quality. They’ll be fine for YouTube videos but it can be difficult achieving cinema-like quality.The depth of field is something you can get with a camera that you couldn’t with a ca mcorder. Depth of field can be used to focus on something while leaving everything in the background really blurry. This process is great for highlighting an important part of a scene and is great for cinematography.However, it can be difficult to use this technique with travelling shots. Cameras are designed with taking photos in mind. Travelling shots can make all of the above more difficult. Autofocus doesn’t work very well with a lot of movement and it can be even trickier for beginners to do this manually.Finally, it can be difficult getting good audio with the built-in mic. I recommend that you invest in an external mic to get better sound.When it comes to getting a camera for shooting video, it needs to be practical and record good footage.What Makes a Good Camera for VideoChoosing a good camera, and we mean a camera for both stills and video, there’s no hard and fast rule. Each user needs to work out what they need and the criteria by which to define a good camera. Some might want to get slow-motion footage whereas others may never use this functionality. Furthermore, you might be looking for something that’s good value for money. No two cameras are alike. (Source: Frantisek_Krejci)It might be tempting to get an expensive camera but in some cases, you really need some decent lenses to get the most out of the device. You can invest a professional-quality and expensive camera but without good lenses, you won’t get anywhere near its full potential.  You should know that larger sensors absorb more light.Finally, most cameras can now film in 4K, an image quality that’s hard to beat. That said, you don’t always need to film in 4K. In most cases, full HD will be fine.The Best Cameras for FilmingFujifilm, Sony, Panasonic, and Canon make the cameras that are in our top 5. They all have good image stability, shoot in 4K, and offer clean footage. Of course, new and better models are coming out all the time... The versatility of being able to use different lenses is a huge plus for certain models. (Source: andreas160578)Fujifilm X-H1This Fujifilm camera has been a competitor thanks to how good value-for-money it is. Expect to pay around £800 for just the camera (no lens). That said, it’s still one of the cheaper models on the market.This isn’t a reflex camera but rather a hybrid. Unlike DSLR cameras, it doesn’t have a full-frame sensor but rather an APS-C sensor. However, it has an ISO range of 200 to 12,800.ISO dictates the amount of light needed for good exposure. Of course, this can result in noise if set too high.The photo modes can offer 24.3 megapixels and the video modes can film at 30, 25, or 24 frames per second.Models with a lens will cost closer to £1,000 upwards.Check out our tips for shooting video.Sony Alpha 7Sony is becoming a bigger player when it comes to cameras and they make some models that do really good video. The brand’s hybrid camera has been lauded by cri tics for having a full-frame sensor and the same image quality as DSLRs but in a smaller camera body.Since the launch of the Sony Alpha 7, new models such as the Sony Alpha 7R III have been added to the range. This has an even better ISO range than the Fujifilm and goes up to 30,000 ISO. Of course, you have to pay for 4K footage.To get the latest model from this range, you’ll be looking at close to £2,000 without a lens. This can be quite the investment, especially if you’re just getting started.Panasonic Lumix GH5SThis camera is designed with video in mind and is really for those wanting to shoot video first and foremost and take a few photos on the side. You can film at 60, 50, 30, 25, and 24 frames per second.There are also different modes to shoot in. Finally, the ISO range makes up for its smaller sensor and goes up to 50,000. The downside... The lack of stabilisation integrated into the body.You’ll pay around £1,600 for the body on its own.Olympus OM-D E-M1Olympus came ras are famous for their comfort and the quality of the video they capture. This range of hybrid cameras come with a Micro Four Thirds (MFT) sensor and an ISO range of up to 25,600. The 4K video can be shot at 30, 25, or 24 frames per second.You can expect to pay around £1,300 for just the body. However, there’s a good offering of second-hand models available for much less.Nikon D850This is a little costlier than the other models in our list but the Nikon D850 is a great camera for those with a focus on photography first and foremost but it can also shoot good video. This digital SLR camera can cost around £2,000 for just the body.Budget Cameras for FilmingThe best cameras for shooting video don’t need to be expensive. You can still get decent cameras on a budget.Check out some of the accessories you can get for your camera.Sony DSC-RX100This cheap camera is great for shooting video wherever you go. While usually of a lower quality, compact cameras tend to be cheaper than any other type of camera. (Source: andri333)It can shoot at up to 50 frames per second and at 4K. They’ve managed to make a compact camera that can shoot expert-quality video.  You can pick up one for around £300.There are also the Sony RX100 II, III, or IV which have more options than the original model.Canon G7X Mark IIIA bit more expensive than the Sony, the Canon G7 Mark III with its little body can also film in 4K. At around £700, it’s really only for those who are passionate about their photography and their film but don’t want to carry around a bigger camera.If you'd like to learn more about photography and film, there are plenty of private tutors on Superprof who can help you. There are different types of tutorials for different budgets and learning styles so it's up to you which one you go for.Face-to-face tutorials are the most costly but are also the most cost-effective. With just you and the tutor, the tutorials can be tailored to you, what you want to learn, and your preferred learning style.Online tutorials are similar but instead of the tutor being there in the room with you, they'll teach you remotely using video conferencing software. While this is fine for academic and theoretical subjects, it can be trickier for hands-on subjects that benefit from having a tutor there in the room with you.Finally, there are group tutorials which tend to be the cheapest per student per hour. Since the cost of the tutor is shared amongst all the students in attendance, each student will be paying a smaller amount than they would in face-to-face or online tutorials. However, this also means that the lessons aren't as personalised as the other types of tutorials and you won't get as much one-on-one time with your tutor as they have other students to worry about.The choice is yours!

Work-Life Balance and Its Importance Today - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Work-Life Balance and Its Importance Today - Introvert Whisperer Work-Life Balance and Its Importance Today Work-life balance has gained considerable importance in the last few years. Experts at Rutgers University claim that “Work-life balance has become a top priority to many workers entering or moving up the career ladder in today’s workforce. This trend is evident in a broad range of careers and industries.” One reason for this is the growing number of millennials entering the workforce. With an increasing number of millennials dominating office environments, employers are trying harder to appeal to this majority by emphasizing a healthy balance between work and personal life. However, millennials tend to define work-life balance differently from previous generations, owing to the continuous evolution in regards to the definition of the term. So what exactly does work-life balance consist of today? That’s a question with no fixed answer as, ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all definition of work-life balance. Contrary to popular belief, work-life balance is not a 50/50 split between one’s professional and personal life. In fact, work-life balance can differ from person to person and depends greatly on one’s priorities at a given time. For instance, a married person with kids will have a very different definition of work-life balance from that of a recent graduate with student debt. Why is Work-life Balance Important? Having a proper work-life balance has many advantages. Most significantly, maintaining a healthy work-life balance prevents employee burnout and reduces chronic stress. Alan Kohll, a Forbes contributor for corporate wellness, writes that “Chronic stress is one of the most common health issues in the workplace. It can lead to physical consequences such as hypertension, digestive troubles, chronic aches and pains and heart problems.” Eventually, too much stress over extended periods of time can lead to employee burnout, affecting both the company and employee very negatively. Employee burnout has severe psychological ramifications, and results in a major drop in employee productivity and performance. Promoting a well-balanced life can reduce the probability of burnout significantly. While the most obvious benefit of work-life balance is fewer health problems in employees, it also aids in boosting employee engagement. Additionally, companies that promote work-life balance tend to attract and retain top talent as the general employee satisfaction level is much higher. There are many telltale signs that indicate poor work-life balance amongst employees no matter the industry. These include overeating or barely eating, experiencing lack of sleep, having nightmares about work, a feeling of depression, constant irritability and fatigue, getting sick often, drinking excessive coffee, and refusing to take a break at work. Should employers or employees notice any of these signs recurring in fellow employees, they should encourage the affected employee to take action and actively work towards a better work-life balance before it is too late. How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance One of the best ways for employers to promote work-life balance is to allow for a flexible work environment. Doing so is proven to satisfy the needs of most employees, no matter which generation of workers they belong to. Flexible work environments that encourage remote working have been shown not only to boost productivity but also reduce stress levels. The ability to work from anywhere enables employees to personalize their schedules and save ample time that would have otherwise been spent in long commutes. This translates into extra time to invest in self-care and wellness activities. Simultaneously, employers must realize that work-life balance goes beyond simply the hours of work. Creating a happy, accepting and safe work environment for employees should be a top priority for employers. An overall positive work experience allows employees to feel like their place of work is like their second home, and creates a healthy mindset. Companies can improve workplace culture by providing competitive compensation, prioritizing comfortable working conditions and providing opportunities for professional development. Alongside employers, there are many actions employees can take to achieve a better work-life balance. One suggestion is to organize the week in advance. Coming home after a busy day at work to a long list of chores with no idea where to start is a major cause of stress for a lot of employees. As aptly stated in this article, “With a job, family, and housework to balance, sometimes it seems impossible to indulge in hobbies or even just relax.” Taking some time out at the start of every week to map out weekly goals and create to-do lists can help relieve that foreboding feeling of stress and provide a sense of direction through the week. Organizing one’s week in advance is a great way to free up some time that could then be used to pursue non-work and non-household related interests, or to simply relax and unwind. Additionally, employees should commit to “disconnecting” and spending some time away from their digital devices. In today’s overly connected world, it’s easy to feel “always-on.” Constantly checking emails and engaging on social media doesn’t really allow one to separate work life from personal time. Committing to a fixed amount of no-screen time can help employees slow down and decompress, giving their minds a complete break from the work-induced, high-stress mindset. Achieving a healthy work-life balance no longer happens as organically as it once did. In today’s digital era, maintaining a comfortable balance between the professional and personal takes effort and strategic thought from employers and employees alike. However, given the importance of work-life balance, this shouldnt be a deterrent. Rather, employers and employees should work together to create optimum working conditions that promote a productive, happy, and healthy lifestyle. Author Bio: Frankie Wallace  is a freelance writer from Boise, Idaho and contributes to a wide variety of blogs online. Wallace writes about many different topics, from education to the environment. Photo Source: Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

The Top Study Tips for Midterms

The Top Study Tips for Midterms Its almost midterm season, and you may be feeling a bit stressed. But dont fretyou can still devise a study plan that maximizes your success. The top study tips for midterms include forming a study group, highlighting your notes, and refusing to cram before the big day (or days). Looking for ways to ace your midterms? Continue reading to learn how you can best utilize your time leading up to midterms. The top study tips for midtermstwo weeks before You know the date of your exam, and your professor has likely mentioned what content will be on the midterm. Great! Regardless of whether you take notes on a computer or with a pen and paper, now is the perfect time to start highlighting. By keeping track of important sections in each chapter or document, youll have easy access to information as you begin studying. Highlight definitions and important terms. When there are sections with difficult content or important topics, highlighting them will help you remember to revisit these concepts during your review periods. Depending on how much content is covered on the exam, now might be a great time to create a study group with others in your class. Even if you miss a lecture, someone in your group will surely have the material covered. You can even ask members of your group to start a study guide or flashcards that each person can contribute to over time. [RELATED: 10 Study Habits to Avoid] The top study tips for midtermsthe week of By now, youve most likely covered a majority of the material that will be on the midterm. While youre still a few days away from the actual exam, its time to start revisiting some of the more difficult topics. You should have highlighted sections of review materials, and you can use these to get started: Reread any textbook chapters about this concept. Review practice problems from your homework. When youre spending hours working on the same subject, make sure to take breaks and to refuel when necessary. Its easy to lose focus and to stop processing study material, and a break can help you return to the material feeling refreshed. Remember, its still not too late to start a study group. Invite others from your class to meet and to discuss any questions the group has. If everyone in your study group is having trouble with a certain concept, its time to visit your professors office hours. Any teaching assistants in the course could also be a useful resource. [RELATED: 5 Reasons Students Should Meet with Professors During Office Hours] The top study tips for midtermsthe day before Dont cram! Studies have shown that this is not an effective way to learn material. If you still feel uncertain about a large portion of the information that will be covered on your midterm, focus on developing an understanding of the main ideas. These will likely appear on the test with more frequency than specific details, and they may help you narrow down some options on multiple-choice questions. Review a few of the big topics, make sure you get some rest, and eat a healthy meal before your midterm. Good luck! [RELATED: How Eating Healthy Can Improve Test Scores] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at